Network Forensics Solution

Network forensics enable organizations to realize the full benefits of 10G and 40G networks: high performance with the control and security IT organizations take for granted on 1G networks. By investing in network forensics solutions, IT organizations can ensure that speed does not compromise the ability to respond to network outages, performance degradations, and security threats.

Slow Network


When users are complaining about a slow network, we all know it’s often not the network, but network engineers must be able to troubleshoot both the network and the application that is being used to determine the root cause. Measuring network latency vs. application latency is the proof the network engineer needs. Latency monitoring can help determine if problems are localized to a specific user or server, or more global, but simple latency monitoring lacks the details needed to correlate areas of latency with other relevant statistics, including other network traffic occurring at that time.

Is the Network Slowdown Due to My Network or Applications?
How Do I Establish a Baseline for Application and Network Usage?
How Much of My Network Bandwidth Is Being Used by My Critical Applications?


Use LiveCapture and LiveAction Insight to capture packets at the appropriate network segment. This allows you to see network and application latency across multiple segments, determine bandwidth hogs, and monitor network utilization. With LiveAction Spotlight you can instantly see the worst performing flows across your network and drill into the packets associated to those flows if necessary.



The ability to perform root-cause network analysis is critical to your business. Without it you cannot fully identify and address the conditions causing a network problem, whether performance, security, compliance, or process-related. The network has become the lifeline for your business, so network problems are business problems, and every minute that the network isn’t operating as designed generates increased costs, loss of revenue, or both.

I Have Users Complaining of Connectivity and Performance Issues?
Network monitoring solutions based on SNMP and flow-based technology lack the ability to perform true, root-cause analysis, meaning additional solutions, at additional expense, will need to be deployed to monitor and solve network issues. Packet-based network monitoring solutions provide the appropriate network data for performing root-cause analysis and ultimately solving network issues.

How Do I Find Broken Links on My Network?
How Do I Get to the Root Cause of Network Performance Issues?


Network monitoring solutions based on SNMP and flow-based technology lack the ability to perform true, root-cause analysis, meaning additional solutions, at additional expense, will need to be deployed to monitor and solve network issues. Packet-based network monitoring solutions provide the appropriate network data for performing root-cause analysis and ultimately solving network issues.

LiveAction offers a complete, fully-integrated solution for covering both your network control and your root-cause analysis needs. LiveAction provides the most cost-effective and easiest to use solution available today.

Unified Communications


Unified Communications (UC) applications such as VoIP and video have been used in the enterprise setting for well over a decade, yet they continue to cause some of the biggest and most persistent IT headaches for network engineers.

How Do I Monitor VoIP Quality Issues?
How Do I Troubleshoot VoIP Quality Issues?
How Do I Troubleshoot Video Conferencing That Is Not Operating as Expected?


UC and other real-time protocols don’t reside in a vacuum. For that reason, troubleshooting UC applications requires network engineers to look at the network as a whole. Rather than showing network engineers what’s happening solely from a UC perspective, LiveCapture, Spotlight, Insight Plus, and Omnipeek provide the critical visibility to see UC applications and VoIP quality in relation to all of the other traffic on the network. That is the only truly effective and long-lasting way to troubleshoot, analyze, and resolve UC application issues on any shared network.

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